It’s such a love-hate relationship between designer handbags and I. On the one hand, I want to save up for my dream #bossbabe bag, and on the other hand I’m like… why do I feel as though it’s ok to spend any more than $500 on a single handbag? But splurging isn’t always bad; the true key is knowing when to save and when to splurge. And if you know it’s going to be something you’ll be using for decades to come (and then ideally even pass down to future generations), then it’s okay to splurge. The other trick is getting the right one that you are going to 100% love ’til death. So today I’ve rounded up five of the best designer bags that I think are worth biting the bullet! A couple tips before we get shopping…
1. Give it a few years before you buy it.
You might change your mind. I’d say waiting at least three years (unless your budget allows you to be more risky of course…) is a good idea, because your style changes. And if after 3-5 years, you’re still in love, then it’s time to make it yours.
2. Buy it in a neutral color.
It doesn’t have to be black, also anything in the family of a tan/nude/blush or a grey/taupe is a great choice. It will always match everything you own. Plus, it will not only become a proper staple of your closet, but it will be a true classic now and forever.
5 Best Designer Bags to Invest in: